María Wonenburger: Mathematician

María Wonenburger: Mathematician who dealed with vector spaces with a dimension greater than or equal to six.

María Josefa Wonenburger Planells born in 19 July1927 – she died in 14 June 2014. She was of the great Spanish mathematics, who developed her research work in the United States and Canada. She obtained her degree in Mathematics at the Central University of Madrid in 1950.

Maria Wonenburger was mainly centred on group theory and the theory of Lie algebras. Also the automorphisms of the groups of similarities inspired by previous works of Jean Dieudonnéand applying them to vector spaces with a dimension greater than or equal to six.

  • Author: Nuria N.(2º ESO B)
  • School: IES Las Fuentezuelas
  • City: Jaén
  • Country: Spain


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