María Vallet-Regí

She was born in 1946 in Las Palmas. She got her degree at the UCM, where she studied chemistry. Few years after, in 1974, she got her doctorate about biomaterials and drug delivery systems.

María has won lots of prices like the Inorganic Chemistry Award (2008). Besides, she is the author of many books such as What we Know about Biomaterials. She is one of the most important members of the Spanish Royal National Academy of Pharmacy and of the Spanish Academy of Engineering. She has worked on chemistry and biomaterials for medicine and written more tan 600 scientific reports.

María belongs both to national and international committees and she was the vice-president of the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry. She is well known because she is the most cited Spanish Scientist in the past 20 years and nowadays, she is working as a teacher of inorganic chemistry.


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